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HID CICR-SIG20T0 Signo Mullion Reader

SKU : CICR-SIG20T0 Category

Weigand and OSDP with Terminal Strip, Signo Standard Profile Readers, Black

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HID CICR-SIG20T0 Signo Mullion Reader



  • Weigand and OSDP with Terminal Strip
  • Signo Standard Profile Readers
  • Black
  • Highly Versatile – Support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID Mobile Access via native Bluetooth and Near Field Communication (NFC).
  • Unparalleled Performance – Ultra secure storage of cryptographic keys on certified secure element hardware, plus a new surface detection feature that enables the reader to automatically recalibrate and optimize read range performance.
  • Connected to the Future – All readers include out-of-the-box support for Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) for secure bidirectional communication.



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CICR-SIG20T0 Data Sheet
